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And the craziness begins...

So today Nick and I had lunch together and discussed this ExposedPastor.com series that we will be starting in just a few weeks. Nick and the media crew from Barefoot Church returned from their trip to Flamingo Road Church worn out, excited and FULL of information. So much information, in fact, that my poor husband is having a hard time sorting through everything in his head. After finishing a full days work at Sign Station, he headed home to watch Mason so I could go to school. He spent the entire evening designing the graphic for the series, then getting it approved. (It looks awesome!!! He actually found a picture of Clay that I took and it worked. He's such a genius!) Then he had to set up a blogger -- www.ExposedPastor.blogspot.com -- which we will be running the live feed through.

I have to say, THANK GOD for the folks at Flamingo! I would name names but I cant remember them, I'm bad with names to begin with and these guys all have hard names. I seem to remember Arturo and Miguel...but beyond that, I'm at a loss. Sorry guys. Anyways, these guys are phenomenal! Nick sent the graphic off to them so they can build this site...flippin' nuts. It's really great when people are so helpful and open to sharing their mistakes and victories in order to help others prosper. What they did with MyNakedPastor.com was amazing, and we intend to try and improve upon this with their help. Really, these guys are the definition of Christ followers. Especially considering they have their own high-tech church with multiple campuses to run in Florida.

Anyways, the ExposedPastor series will begin in August, directly following our series titled Quitter. (Spin off of Twitter. Clever, huh?) In a nutshell, cameras will be following Clay around 24/7 recording his every move, completely exposing him and his family to the general public worldwide via the internet. This will go on for 31 days - the whole month of August. We were discussing the fact that this had never been done, with the exception of Troy Gramling at Flamingo, when my husband brought something very profound to my attention. There is one person that did this, even before Flamingo. Completely exposed, hiding nothing, just completely raw...Jesus. Go ahead, think about it. Oh yeah, that's good stuff. Jesus led the complete transparent life, totally exposed, completely naked, pretty amazing stuff.

So y'all please pray for our church and the wonderful people at Flamingo. And say and extra prayer for my pregnancy, this series goes through August and I am due to give birth the 1st week in September. Let's hope that Daiden doesn't decide to make an early appearance.

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