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President Barack Obama

I'm not sure how I feel about Obama being our new president. I have heard a lot of the promises he's made for change and they seem like great ideas. I have only one main concern. The Freedom Of Choice Act. Right now there are over 300 different state laws about abortion, such as the ban on Partial Birth Abortion (where they deliver a baby breech up to its head then collapse its head to deliver the rest), and Saline Abortion (they replace some of the amniotic fluid with a strong salt solution via a needle, the baby breathes the solution and is burned inside and out, usually the baby is delivered a few hours after the procedure, but during that time the flailing of the burning fetus can cause the woman severe physical pain and emotional distress. Some babies have even been born alive after this procedure) . There are also bans on Late Term abortions where the child would be able to survive if delivered normally. Basically the FOCA would lift ALL 300+ of these abortion bans, making abortion available to anyone, anywhere at any stage of pregnancy. In a campaign speech to Planned Parenthood Obama said that "The first thing I will do as president to sign the Freedom Of Choice Act".

Well, what's done is done. This is our president and now we must accept that fact and move forward. God tells us to pray for our leaders and that is what I intend to do. I also encourage you to pray for our president. Pray for his guidance and for him to lead this country in a godly manner. God bless America.

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